"US President Barack Obama will get to taste Delhi's famous Pandey's paan (betel leaves) at the banquet being held in his honour by President Pranab Mukherjee at the Rashrapati Bhawan on 26 January. According to sources in the Presidential Secretariat, a "sweet gulukand mixed tobacco-less item" will be presented to Obama after the meal as per the tradition followed while hosting foreign dignitaries. The gulukand is added to sweeten the betel leaves.
The Sunday Guardian- Thursday-April 02,2015"US President Barack Obama will get to taste Delhi's famous Pandey's paan (betel leaves) at the banquet being held in his honour by President Pranab Mukherjee at the Rashrapati Bhawan on 26 January. According to sources in the Presidential Secretariat, a "sweet gulukand mixed tobacco-less item" will be presented to Obama after the meal as per the tradition followed while hosting foreign dignitaries. The gulukand is added to sweeten the betel leaves.
The Sunday Guardian- Thursday-April 02,2015